Rihaɴna makes thᴇ decision to send RZΑ back to Barbados to her ᴍothᴇr for a few weeks because of this (VIDEO)

Rihanna opens up to the reason why she sent her kids to her mom’s place in a candid interview with People magazine, where she reveals that she is going through a difficult divorce with her husband, A$AP Rocky.

Rihanna, who has three children with the rapper, aged between one and four, said that she decided to send them to her mom’s place in Barbados,

where they would be safe and happy, while she deals with the legal and emotional issues of her separation.

Rihanna said that she loves her kids more than anything, and that she wants them to have a normal and stable childhood, away from the drama and the media.

She said that her mom, Monica Braithwaite, has been very supportive and understanding, and that she has been taking good care of her grandchildren.

Rihanna said that she talks to her kids every day, and that she visits them as often as she can.

Rihanna said that she and A$AP Rocky had been having problems for a long time, and that they had tried to work things out, but they realized that they were not compatible anymore. She said that A$AP Rocky had been unfaithful and abusive, and that she had enough of his lies and violence.

She said that she filed for divorce and asked for full custody of their children, and that A$AP Rocky had been making things difficult and demanding money from her.

Rihanna said that she is hurt and angry, but also hopeful and strong. She said that she is focusing on her career and her well-being, and that she has the support of her friends and family.

She said that she is not looking for a new relationship, and that she is happy with herself. She said that she hopes that A$AP Rocky will respect her decision and leave her alone, and that he will be a good father to their children.

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