Zero celebs would go near Meghan at Hamptons

Last weekend, Meghan Markle attended the G9 Ventures Summer Summit in the Hamptons, an exclusive women’s business summit hosted by power broker Amy Griffin. The Duchess of Sussex was seen mingling with notable figures such as fashion designer Misha Nonoo and makeup mogul Bobbi Brown, yet there was a distinct absence of photographs capturing her with some of the other high-profile guests, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Reese Witherspoon, and Diane Sawyer.

According to reports from NewsNation’s Paula Froelich, many attendees seemed to avoid being photographed with Markle. One insider explained, “They know that if they are in a picture with [Meghan] it is a tacit approval of her that she can use to promote herself.” The insider went on to say, “Meghan can show up at events where they are at, move into their neighborhood… but they are not friends.”

A Strategic Move?

Markle’s attendance at the summit in the Hamptons, hosted at Amy Griffin’s $13 million estate, sparked speculation about her intentions. Sources informed Page Six that the Duchess flew in from Santa Barbara, California, with entrepreneur Jamie Kern Lima, seeking to network with female founders and gather insights ahead of launching her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard.

The annual event boasted an impressive guest list, including Weight Watchers CEO Sima Sistani, Spanx founder Sara Blakely, and cosmetics guru Victoria Jackson. Yet, the absence of photos with some of the more famous attendees raised eyebrows.

Celebrities Keep Their Distance

The decision by celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Reese Witherspoon, and Diane Sawyer to avoid being photographed with Markle may not be coincidental. The insider suggested that celebrities are cautious about being seen with Markle, as it could be perceived as an endorsement. This cautious approach may indicate a broader sentiment among Hollywood elites regarding their relationship with the Duchess.

Markle’s Business Ambitions

Despite the lack of celebrity endorsements, Meghan Markle continues to focus on her business ambitions. The summit offered her an opportunity to connect with influential female entrepreneurs and gain valuable insights for her upcoming lifestyle brand.

A representative for Markle declined to comment on the matter, leaving questions about her relationships with the Hollywood elite unanswered.

The Bigger Picture

Meghan Markle’s presence at the summit and the subsequent reaction from other attendees may hint at the complex dynamics between the Duchess and the Hollywood community. While she remains a popular figure, the lack of public association from certain celebrities could reflect underlying tensions or strategic considerations.

As Markle continues to carve out her path in the business world, it will be interesting to see how her relationships with the elite evolve. Will she manage to build new alliances, or will her connections remain on the periphery of Hollywood’s inner circle?

The Hamptons event highlighted the fine line Meghan Markle must navigate as she seeks to establish herself in the business world. The apparent distance maintained by some celebrities may be a reminder of the challenges she faces in gaining acceptance among Hollywood’s elite.

For now, the Duchess remains undeterred in her pursuit of business success, even as speculation swirls about her place in the celebrity landscape.

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